An examination, ultrasonography, and blood work will be performed prior to the surgical evacuation. You will meet our doctor for consultation, and the process will be explained and reviewed. Any questions you may have will be answered thoroughly at that time.
If you choose to proceed with elective abortion, a medication will be given to you to facilitate the dilation of the cervix. Antibiotics will be given to minimize the risk of infection prior to the surgical evacuation. Since local anesthesia carries a lower risk than general anesthesia (going to sleep), a local anesthetic is given prior to the procedure. Our fee is inclusive of all these services.
The actual dilation and evacuation of the pregnancy only usually takes about 20 minutes. However, you should expect to be in the clinic for a few hours. The reason is that the medications you will be given take a while to take effect prior to the procedure. These medicines are given in order to minimize the risks of the procedure.
We also offer the abortion pill, Mifepristone. It is available for anyone that wants to avoid the surgery, but is only an option in the early part of the first trimester, prior to 10 weeks. If the pregnancy is early enough, this is often an easier and in some ways safer option to end the conception by causing a miscarriage.